Thought of the Day

I don't believe in morality, but I believe in ethical conduct as set out by His Holiness the Dalai Lama: "Ethical conduct = a way of behaving that respects others’ right to be happy".

Sunday 31 August 2008

Memoirs from New York ~ Fedi & I

One of the reasons of my absence from the blogsphere is that I have grown increasingly frustrated and impatient with the slowness of blogspot. My blog is mostly a photoblog, and every time I want to upload a photo, it takes aaaaages. I just can't bear spending minutes and minutes becoming hours waiting and waiting. As I said, this is only one of the reasons... Another has to do with how I lately feel - chatless & confused... Anyhow, I have decided to post my photos from my mesmeric trip to NYC at the beginning of the Summer in phases. I want to start with some portraits of myself and fellow-traveller as our union made this trip special...

the proof we were really in NYC (or was it Las Vegas?) On the Empire State Building's roof. Poor Fede was dizzy

In the coolest restaurant of Brooklyn. Our last dinner in NYC

At Carrie Bradshow's doorstep on Perry Str, 66
In the MOMA

Still asleep and backgrounded by one of the many stunning waiteresses at this cafe in Union Square kindly recommended by Franceschino  
you, fedi!

my 23rd b'day

I spent a flashing b'day weekend doing the things I mostly like doing when in londinian staycation mode: breakfast in Queen's Park bakery, buying art and fashion books at the local independent bookshop, the Wizard of Oz musical in Southbank, roller-disco and Hadrian exhibit at the British Museum...
Roller-disco was fun if not a bit *repetitive* after going round and round and round for four hours surrounded by people whose only association with the 80s was their year of birth... however, roller-disco confirmed my love for this sport... I wanna be a Skating Queen!
Wanna be skating Queen (you can't see it from the photo but they are flashing skates)
with sunflower offered by lovely hisano and cool francesco and doroty's doggy TOTO with a greedy grin hidden behind Marni oversize shades
post-musical dinner with (from left) Francesco, Amanda, me and Hisano
Gifts: Tate to Tate book Annual membership to the tates for me + one guest : ) Grave of the Fireflies (Hisano always cries when she watches it) Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore (looking forward to starting this) Barack Obama, Dreams from my Father Expressionism Toto Branche d'Olive room fragrance Paper vases and seeds Moleskine 2009 diary (looking ahead) Birth chart Snake Ring from British Museum Heart bracelet Charm bracelet Loads of cool cards I am planning to frame Thanks to you all for contributing to making it flashing *^__^*

Wednesday 27 August 2008