amongst the thousands of artworks on offer, one artist caught my attention: henry fraser, a scottish young painter who portraits boys. i am really tempted to invest in him as i have a strong feeling that he is set to become *esteemed*.
as steve observed, he uses a winning formula: the stylised figures with mouthless faces, neckless bodies and pointed noses own a cartoonish element, while their empathetic gaze is at once expressive (painful) and ironic (detached):
"In my work I endeavour to paint the soul. To make the invisible, visible. I hope to engage the viewer in reflecting on their own sense of being and mortality."
Henry Fraser
(c) Henry Fraser
The Great Houdini, (c) Henry Fraser
Henry Fraser

i believe that the strong expressionist quality of these paintings lies in the mastery of colour and brush. i am not sure how acquainted this artist is with schiele's artwork, but i can see strong similarities in the use of sanguineous splashes of red or green to suggest a human condition.
the use of writing to emphasise a message is not unknown amogst contemporary artists, and the parallel with stella vine comes (to me) spontaneous:
unfortunately, i don't have a photo of the three exhibited works i had the pleasure to admire live in *quasi stendhal syndrome mode*. the *boy who is about to hang himself* reminded me of one picture by nara yoshimoto (see below) - whose art shares the same sketchy, sarcastic and dark features of fraser's work. however, fraser's boys show a more resigned attiutude, whereas nara's girls seem to be partly responsible of their own disgrace. in other words, they are victims of themselves and try to scorn their pain with defying looks.
the use of writing to emphasise a message is not unknown amogst contemporary artists, and the parallel with stella vine comes (to me) spontaneous:
unfortunately, i don't have a photo of the three exhibited works i had the pleasure to admire live in *quasi stendhal syndrome mode*. the *boy who is about to hang himself* reminded me of one picture by nara yoshimoto (see below) - whose art shares the same sketchy, sarcastic and dark features of fraser's work. however, fraser's boys show a more resigned attiutude, whereas nara's girls seem to be partly responsible of their own disgrace. in other words, they are victims of themselves and try to scorn their pain with defying looks.
i just hope that these living artists are not *one-trick ponies* and I look forward to seeing their next brain-children.