Thought of the Day

I don't believe in morality, but I believe in ethical conduct as set out by His Holiness the Dalai Lama: "Ethical conduct = a way of behaving that respects others’ right to be happy".

Saturday, 2 December 2006

Anti-seduction devices

While browsing here in search of inspiration for my slow Xmas shopping, I selected for you some products which, despite being advertised as fashion tricks, I paradoxically find anti-seduction devices. So, young girls, stay clear from them!
~ Tapes to hide bra's straps... My question is: how can you hide the tape? Is it better to show the tape or to see the straps, which I personally find seductive also under an evening dress for a Carrie B look.
~ How perverse is this: censoring nipple concealer?!
~ Cleavage cupcakes, for a look a la Clarisse:
~ And, last, a decadence tool belt. Is this burlesque accessory supposed to be sexy? Apparently so. And at £160, it doesn't come cheap. ... For stylish, sassy, fun toys & accessories, visit instead my friend's website. ; )

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